What is Ask a Titus 2 Woman?


Every week or so, we will share questions & answers, (anonymously) within the CC Wives Facebook group & blog. We do not plan on sharing the names of the women who submit questions. Our idea is that your questions will be general enough that the answers can be mutually beneficial to all women in the group.


Questions can be submitted here through the form below! Once submitted, check back often to see if your question has been answered! It’s as simple as that! Questions can range from marriage, modesty, church, God, friendships… you name it! These women are here to help and have been vetted to ensure the advice you get is Scripture based!

“Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.”

‭‭Titus‬ ‭2‬:‭3‬-‭5‬ ‭ESV‬‬

DISCLAIMER: This is not intended to be a replacement or alternative for in-person relationships! This is simply something fun to add to the CC Wives community. We pray that it benefits each of you, but please seek out a Titus 2 woman who is local to you! Pray that God will provide someone for you, if that’s not a relationship you currently have

Meet Emily Wall

Emily is a moderator for Christian Conservative Wives. She has been on our team since August of 2024 and has been such a blessing. Emily uses her creative talents to make Bible Studies with beautiful graphics for Christian Conservative Wives and Christian Conservative Women. She is the one who came up with the idea, “Ask a Titus 2 Woman” after seeing a big need in the CCW community. Many ladies need advice, but some of the advice given in comments us very unbiblical. She went through the Titus 2 Women applications carefully, met with them on video, and prayed over these selections. Emily works hard to minister to the women in our community and we hope this program ministers to you. She has a Facebook Group as well called Christian Sisterhood! You can click the button below to join!

This is a description of Titus 2 Woman and our goal! Emily takes time to explain it in great detail!

Ask a Titus 2 Woman:

Please fill out this form to submit your questions and check the website often to see if your question has been answered! Sign up for the email list for updates with this as well!

Apply to be a Titus 2 Woman!

We are currently not not in need of any new Titus 2 Women at the moment, but there may be a time in the future where we need some ladies! You can apply here at any time and we will review your application and consider it when we are in need of some other Titus 2 women. While we understand you can be a Titus 2 woman anywhere or anytime, we created this so that women who do not have a community of Christian woman can get godly advice!


We’re taking applications from any woman in the CC Wives group who feels called to be a mentor to our younger wives. There’s no age requirement, but please be prayerful in considering your spiritual maturity & ability to provide biblically sound & encouraging advice!

We will carefully review all applications & select a group of women who we feel would be great mentors for our group. We will be very prayerful about our choices. Once we finalize our selections, these women will be added to a messenger group chat with the CC Wives admin team, where we will share the questions that have been submitted. Our trusted panel of Titus 2 women can answer individually, or collaborate with each other to form a cohesive answer, depending on the nature of the question.

Titus 2 Answers:

Young CC Wives . Young CC Wives .

How Can I Overcome Mom Rage?

How can I overcome “mom rage”?

-How do you be a good wife to a husband who is disrespectful to you?

-Can someone lose their salvation by continuing to live a sinful life after claiming to be saved?

These are things our panel of Titus 2 Women will be answering with their words of wisdom! Click here to read their answers!

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