Meet Your Titus 2 Women
Ask them anything!
Meet the Titus 2 Women! These are the women Emily and Kylie prayerfully and carefully selected to answer your questions! You can read their bios here and see their photos! These women truly have a heart for the Lord! If you are in our facebook group, there are mentorship programs there you can be a part of if you have a desire to serve. We hope these women are truly a blessing in your life and we are so thankful they have decided to take the time to answer your questions!
I am just thrilled to be a member of this "group within a group"! CCW is my absolute favorite FB group ~ I love the atmosphere of true biblical conviction, and I was getting weary of the way other groups I'm in were getting more and more "tolerant." I feel humbled and honored to be counted among you Titus 2 women, and I'm already praying for the Lord to work in and through us as we serve Him in this way.
I grew up in a Christian home, and my dad retired in 2020 from being a pastor for 36 years. I went to Christian school my whole life except for 2 years that I was homeschooled. I even went to a Bible college! I accepted the Lord when I was 3 and rededicated my life to Him at 8, but really just "coasted" spiritually for a long time. I knew all the right answers, knew how to act, etc. The rest of the spiritual journey story below...
I met my husband Scott at college, and we will celebrate our 25th anniversary this year! We are different in almost every way and that has made marriage quite the challenge over the years! We were again "coasting" along, until a family crisis 5 years ago. It is by God's grace ALONE that our marriage survived that time.
Picking up the spiritual journey story again... During that crisis time, I was stripped of all of the human comforts and securities that I had been depending on, and I realized that the Lord is all I had AND all I needed! I dug into His word and prayer time intensely! Ever since then, I thoroughly enjoy my time with God every morning, I love reading books and doing Bible studies, I learn so much from my pastor's sermons (he preaches straight through a book of the Bible at a time and I LOVE that style!), and I get really interested in conversations that dig deep into the meaning of scripture. I also have a spiritual mentor at church, a lovely lady named Amy who is my parents' age. She has encouraged me in more ways than I can say, but one huge thing is that she and I team-teach the ladies' Bible study at church. Amy somehow saw something in me years ago, and she encouraged and nurtured this gift to where I now have a passion for ladies' ministry, teaching the Bible, and biblical mentorship as outlined in Titus 2. Some related ministry interests for me are encouraging women in their marriages, encouraging young moms, and helping families homeschool.
We have 4 children ~ Emmy 17, Lily almost 16, Scotty 13, and Gideon 10. I homeschool them (I have from the beginning), and I also watch several 1 and 2 year olds in my home. Thankfully my own kids help a lot with the little ones, because it can get CRAZY around here!
I grew up in central PA (near Penn State, right in the heart of Amish country), went to college just outside the city limits of Philadelphia, and now live on the Eastern Shore of Maryland (we live on the Delmarva peninsula, which has all of Delaware, and parts of Maryland and Virginia). Each of those places have their own culture and unique blessings, but in my heart I really love the mountains most. We only live about 30 miles from Ocean City, MD, so if you ever come this way, please let me know!
I'm so excited to see what God is going to do here, and I am blessed to be able to be a part of it!
Merry Jo Reckeweg
Jennifer Brown
I'm Jennifer, I've believed in Jesus as my savior for as long as I can remember. I struggled with my faith in my late teen years and I'm so grateful the Lord brought people into my life to draw me back to Him.
This year will be my 19th year being married, we have two children in their mid teen years.
I've worn many hats through they years, I'm excited to use my experience to help others draw closer to the Lord and I look forward to learning here as well.
Kylie Sevy
Hello, I am Kylie, one of the moderators at CC wives! And now a Titus 2 woman which I’m so thrilled to be a part of and looking forward it.
A little bit about me, I am 42 and from Marsing, ID. I was born and raised in a strong biblical faith based church and grew to have a strong relationship with God.
I quit school at 15 to take care of my mom when she fell sick to be her full time nurse as well as keep the house. In this time, I was blessed to see many amazing miracles, instant healing and God moving and speaking in our lives and am so thankful for it. I was baptized at 18 and have only grown deeper in my relationship with Jesus.
I married my husband Chad at 18 and we have been married for 24 years. I have spent this time being a stay at home wife and mom. Learning to appreciate the privilege and honor of taking care of my family.
We have 2 children, Cash (23), Lexi (20) son in law Brayden (20) and granddaughter Nellie (6 months).
We are blessed with the opportunity to be in the process of building our family dream estate/homestead together.
I spent several years while my kids were in school substitute teaching grades K-12, teaching dance classes and coaching youth and high school cheer, as well as coaching my children’s sports teams.
The last few years I have been called deeper in to my relationship with God. Spending time studying the Bible, serving God and striving harder to be an example to my sisters in Christ and being a strong Titus 2 and Proverbs 31 women.
I enjoy spending time with my family, cooking, baking, reading, writing, sewing, gardening, learning new things and helping others.
I joined CC wives when it was first starting, in the hopes I could find like minded woman, grow my skills as a Titus 2 woman, find encouragement in my walk and could learn to help serve the Lord in more ways. I felt this group was a prayer answered in what I had been asking the Lord for.
I was asked to be a moderator soon after joining and it has brought so many blessing into my life. Helping keep my focus on Jesus, sharpening and challenging my beliefs, keeping me in the word, meeting the bestest of friends in my fellow admins and gave me the opportunity to mentor younger wives in Christ with the mentorship program and my daily interactions with the wonderful ladies of this group.
Bethany Hale
Hey friends, I’m Bethany! Almost five years ago I married my best friend - a missionary bush pilot who is the sweetest, strongest, most amazing and on fire for God man I’ve ever known - and moved from where I was born and raised in Florida to a rural village in western Alaska where we’re planting a church. The area we live in is the most remote and unreached in the state and the people are hungry for the love of Christ. It is such a delight to be serving the LORD while enjoying a rough and tumble life that I wouldn’t trade for the world. I was born again by the blood of Jesus February 12, 2007, at the age of 8. Being a pastor’s daughter I had heard the gospel since I was in the womb, and even at a young age had made several false professions of belief. It finally clicked with me that I needed to accept him as my own personal Saviour and not try to ride on what my parents believed. At 16 is when I really got serious about my faith, and I’ve been blown away watching God direct my steps - his faithfulness never ends. Following after him is the most incredible, amazing, and sometimes surprising purpose there is in life. This group is a blessing to me and I look forward to walking alongside y’all in this journey! My hobbies include photography, writing, organizing, and being outside. Feel free to shoot me a friend request or a pm if you like. Hugs!
Miranda Robinson
My name is Miranda. My husband, Justin, and I will celebrate our 20th anniversary this year! We have 4 boys, ages 18, 14, 10, and 6. I am originally from Middle Tennessee, but married into the military, so we have moved around quite a bit. We are now in a small town in Northwest Montana.
After the military, we spent 3.5 years on the mission field in China. My husband is now the Associate Pastor of Youth and Missions at our small church in Montana, and I am in school to become a Biblical Counselor.
I've been a believer in Jesus for as long as I can remember, though I have not always lived like a disciple of Christ should. I am beyond grateful for God's abundant grace in my life, and I am passionate about helping others know the fullness of His grace for themselves.
Sarah Reinmiller
It is an honor to serve in this group. The testimonies above are rich with the grace of God represented in each life and family! I am reminded of Revelation 12:11 that says, “And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.” As the Lord writes each of our stories, all are a powerful force against the struggles we all face while marooned on this earth endeavoring to live honorable lives on this journey to Heaven.
I am so grateful to have been born and raised in a Christian home. My parents were rockstars of the faith! My life began in Nashville, Tennessee. My dad worked for the Baptist Sunday School Board as a traveling salesman (before the days of internet and cell phones). In 1969, a new territory opened, Texas, and my parents felt the Lord was leading them to make the move from Nashville to Texas. I still remember driving though downtown Dallas on a scorching August summer day in a car with no air conditioning on the last few miles to Ft. Worth at the age of 6 years old. Since that time, I have lived in Ft. Worth, Texas. I am the youngest of three daughters. In 1986 I graduated from Texas Christian University with a BSN in nursing and in May 2022 with an MSN from Grand Canyon University. In 1988 I married my best friend. In 1992 we were blessed with our daughter Hannah. In 1993 we were blessed again with our first boy, Samuel. Then followed three more sons – Joseph in 1997, John in 1999, and David in 2003. We were led to embark on the journey of home education when Hannah was about 5 years old. Despite the many inadequacies and failures on the part of Tom and I, all five children graduated from high school and are living productive, responsible lives. Hannah attended Dallas Baptist University and is a graphics designer. Samuel went the trade route and is a plumber. Joseph attended the University of Texas in Arlington and is an electrical engineer. John attended Tarleton State University and works in information technology. David graduates in May 2025 from Texas Christian University. I have 3 incredible daughters-in-law and two grandsons ages 9 and 5. I am so grateful that all are walking with the Lord, attend Bible teaching churches, have relationships with each other as adult siblings and they still come home to see their mom!
The last 4 years have brought about major changes for me. On September 24, 2021, my mom passed away in the wee hours of the morning. Later that night I hosted a rehearsal dinner for Joseph and then on September 26, 2021, he and Rebecca were married. On July 31, 2022, Tom passed away suddenly from a stroke. This new life of widowhood is a strange thing, but God has been faithful every day on this new unexpected journey. In October 2022, John got married to his bride, Janan. In December 2022, we moved my in-laws to our house. 2023 was a blur grieving the loss of Tom and caregiving for my elderly infirmed in-laws. In July 2024, my FIL passed away from dementia. Now in 2025, I still have my MIL and things have stabilized. I joined a widows group at my church and our name is JOY (Jesus, Others, You). In this, I am finding new friendships and purpose.
Currently, I am still working full-time at a large hospital in Ft. Worth. My specialty is perinatal nursing. I work on a unit that takes care of pregnant mothers who have complications associated with their pregnancy. My interests outside of work include enjoying the outdoors – hiking, canoeing, kayaking, snow skiing, sewing, English smocking, cross-stitch, cooking good food, hosting family/friends in my home, organization, gardening, and leaving a Godly legacy for my children and grandchildren. I enjoy encouraging and serving others whom the Lord brings across my path.
Through it all, God has been faithful every day to walk with me through times of great joy, grief, loss and challenges and I praise Him! I am looking forward to being part of Titus 2 Women. My prayer is that hopefully I can share from my vast “hall of shame” as well as the decisions that resulted in producing an abundance of sweet fruit.
Katlyn Kosko
My name is Katlyn, though I also go by Kate. I’m a born and raised North Carolina girl, and I’m 29 years old. I’m so excited and humbled to be a part of this amazing group of women, and to be able to help each other grow in Christ. I don’t really remember a time in my life that Christ wasn’t a part of it. I grew up in a house where my parents didn’t really make the effort to go to church, but the Lord and the Word were always present. My two younger sisters and I ended up falling with the Pentecostal church that we frequented with our grandparents, and that was where the want and need of going to church was first instilled. My sister closest to me in age and I also ended up being a part of the evening worship services we would attend, at another church. She had to have been about 5, while I was about 8 when we started and I want to say it was a few years that we did this. When I aged out of the youth program at our regular church, I volunteered to help with the children’s church on a rotation when I was about 12/13. Though I don’t remember doing it very much after my grandfather passed, despite how much I liked doing it.
My parents ended up separating and their divorce was finalized after I turned 15, and my mom ended up moving my two younger sisters and I across NC to live with her and my now stepfather. I loved the high school I graduated from, and was a very active FFA member and officer. I enjoyed the agriculture program and FFA so much that I went to college to be an agriculture teacher. Through high school, community college and my time at NC A&T; I felt the Lord’s guiding hand through those most difficult times. I say that, because it truly was the most difficult time in my life. Because of my state of mind and needing to follow what God wanted for me, I moved back to Elizabeth City, NC to live with my grandmother. This also placed me next door to my dad, his wife and my baby sister (who’s now 6 years old) after I graduated from NC A&T (class of 2020). During this time, I started going to church with my grandmother and teaching the children of that small Pentecostal church. I did this for a few years, until I met my now husband ended up leaving for another church.
Because of the time I moved back, and for reasons only God knows, it took me until August of 2022 to finally land a job in my field of agriculture education. I spent 2 years working at the high school I went to before I moved, and enjoyed my coworkers and students. The second school year I was there though was proving more challenging than the first, and I believe it was God’s way of telling me it was time for me to leave. So I ended up leaving that school and landing a job at another school in Virginia as an agriculture teacher.
In November 2023, I reconnected with someone I had talked to the year before via online dating. My now husband, Nathan, and I initially met over Match. com. Unfortunately, when my membership ran out and for other reasons I let our connection drop. We then found each other again over Facebook dating, and we gave it another shot. Over that Christmas break, we spent a lot of time together and even went to a Christmas Eve service for our 3rd date. We knew what we wanted and that the Lord intended for us to be together, and for Him to be at the center. We went on vacation together to Sight and Sound to see the play Daniel in Lancaster, PA this past July; which is where and when he proposed. We ended up having a small ceremony a month later, then moved into our apartment in Portsmouth, Virginia at the end of August, and I started my new teaching position. At the same time, we started establishing ourselves at a Baptist church that we both fell in love with. The community with our new church family has been nothing short of amazing, especially with all of the changes we’ve been going through and an emergency popping up in mid-October.
Now: I’m working at a school I love, my husband and I are within 30 minute drives for both of our jobs, and we are already expecting our first baby! We’re both already so in love, and our little one is due to make an appearance May 28, 2025!