Abortion, the Leading Cause of Death in 2024:

All of our problems are the result of overbreeding among the working class.
— Margaret Sanger (Founder of Planned Parenthood)

Why is Abortion is the Leading Cause of Death?

I saw an article this year that said in 2024, abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide

My heart just broke. Why is this happening to these innocent babies? This news should be something that rocks us to the core, and we should absolutely be grieved by it. I am pro-life and I believe that all life has value. These babies did not ask for this and are depending on their mother for protection. It is truly a tragedy.

When starting to get interested in politics, I used to also believe in the three exceptions when it came to abortion, rape, incest, and life of the mother. While many Christians still believe in these three exceptions, I realize now that I was wrong. After doing research and growing in my walk with Christ… I realized that you are not pro-life if you believe in the exceptions. It is picking and choosing what we like and don’t like. The reality is, a baby dies in the end. It should not matter whether that baby was conceived in rape or in a loving home. A baby is still a baby and they are truly innocent. As Christians, we have to stand firm and speak out against abortion. While rape is an awful thing, the baby should not have to pay for the sins of the father. This is where the church comes in, and in my opinion the church has failed in this department. 

If there were Christians or people in the church willing to take a woman’s baby who was a victim of rape or something tragic, we would see less abortions. We would see families dealing with infertility getting the baby their hearts longed for and we would be fulfilling the command in Scripture to care for the widows and orphans. 

By doing this, the mother gets to heal properly and the baby gets the home it deserves. We are called to care for widows and orphans in Scripture and I do not feel that we have done that like we should. Those of you who have adopted, you are doing the Lord’s work and I hope he blesses you for that. I also want to note that when a woman gets an abortion, most of the time that guilt stays with her for the rest of her life. I have seen countless Tik Toks, videos, and read different articles of women talking about getting an abortion and how they have not healed. They still cannot break away from the guilt of it. It truly breaks my heart. 

Aborting a child because it has a disability is not okay. These children with disabilities are also made in the image of God. My little sister, Apple, has down syndrome. My parents adopted her from China when she was 5. She is literally the happiest person alive. She truly knows what it means to live life to the fullest and to be thankful for what you have. She adores us and she wants to do everything we do. She loves to sing and shout the name of Jesus. Apple makes us laugh on a daily basis and I look at my sister and think, “I cannot imagine life without her.” Truly, she has taught me so much about life. I think about all of the babies who do not get the opportunity to live like Apple does. They never even got a chance to live outside of the womb. 

I want to say, if you are reading this and have had an abortion, the Lord loves you. He is waiting with arms wide open ready to forgive you. Repent (turn away) from your sin, and be saved. Today is the day of salvation. Please do not wait. No one is perfect and we all struggle with something. The Lord will forgive you and all you have to do is be willing to receive Him. You may still have some guilt, but please know that we are praying for you, love you, and hope you heal. What is encouraging to know is that if you are a child of God, you will see your baby again one day. 

The History of Planned Parenthood

If you look into the history of Planned Parenthood, it is very disturbing. They put on a good front, and pretend to care for women’s reproductive health…but in reality it was twisted from the very beginning. I can give some detail here but it may need to be a separate blog post, as there is so much to explain. 

Margaret Sanger, a huge racist and feminist in the 20th century, is the founder of Planned Parenthood. 

She was an activist for birth control and was a huge believer in eugenics. The goal of eugenics is essentially to have a perfect population. This was the mindset Hitler had as he wanted to have “the perfect race”.

“Eugenicists believed that through selective breeding, social ills could be eliminated, and the human race could be perfected. Methods for attaining a ‘better race’ included segregation, social exclusion, and involuntary sterilization, and in North Carolina alone, an estimated 7,600 citizens were sterilized between 1933 and 1977.”

Here is the definition of eugenics: 

“Eugenics-  the practice or advocacy of controlled selective breeding of human populations (as by sterilization) to improve the populations' genetic composition”

She wrote in her writings that there “must lead to a higher individuality and ultimately to a cleaner race” and that “All of our problems are the result of overbreeding among the working class.” She was a racist and she was sure to make that known. 

She is the one who started Planned Parenthood and fought for women’s “reproductive rights”. While Planned Parenthood has tried to distance themselves from Margaret Sanger, it cannot be done.

The racist agenda is still there and if you look at the location of planned parenthood, the clinics are predominantly in black communities. 

Now, let’s look at the percentage of black babies that are aborted every year compared to other races. 

“According to the Departments of Public Health of every state that reports abortion by ethnicity; black women disproportionately lead in the numbers. For example, in Mississippi, 79 percent of abortions are obtained by black women; in Washington, D.C., more than 60 percent; in Georgia, 59.4 percent; in Alabama, 58.4 percent. In state after state, similar numbers are found, with black women aborting at two, three or more times their presence in the population. At every income level, black women have higher abortion rates than Whites or Hispanics, except for women below the poverty line, where Hispanic women have slightly higher rates than black women.”

This is a huge number and it is so sad. The Democratic Party’s agenda of saying “Black Lives Matter” truly is a lie. These are facts and I can link the sources here as well. 

“ Accordingly, black women are 5 times more likely to have an abortion than white women. A recent study released by Protecting Black Life, an outreach of Life Issues Institute concluded that, “79% of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are strategically located within walking distance of African and/or Hispanic communities.” This study coincides with historical revelations that eugenicists dating to the mid-1900s, “[argued] that the most effective way they could advance their agenda would be to concentrate population control facilities within targeted communities.”

Black women are 5 times more likely to have an abortion more so than white women. In fact, this article even states that these clinics are within walking distance in the communities. It was a part of the evil tactic to “perfect the population”. Babies matter, no matter what color they are. We are all made in the image of God and these women need our help, prayers, and encouragement. 

  Again, I can do a deeper dive into this in another blog post. The history of Planned Parenthood is very unsettling and would take an entire blog post to discuss. I did link my sources and I encourage you to do some deeper research into this if you are interested. 

What Can We Do as Conservative Women?

As Conservative Women, I feel we have a duty to fight for life. It isn’t just Black Lives Matter, White Lives Matter, Asian Lives Matter, it is that All Lives Matter. This includes the innocent babies. We can fight for them and support local women’s clinics who DO NOT perform abortions. We can help educate people on how abortions are performed, what the aftermath is, and how it affects the mother after. You can even do something like crocheting baby blankets and donating diapers and items to these clinics so that they can give them to the mothers who decide to keep their babies. You can support companies that support life. It is important to note that Pro-Life clinics do not always advertise as being pro-life. You have to do some research before just donating items. However, loving these women, sharing God’s name with them, and donating items they will need if they keep their baby is another way to be the hands and feet of Jesues.


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