5 Ways to Get More Organized+ Free Planner:

(Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something, I may earn a small commission).

Are you finding it more difficult to plan out your days, weeks, and months? I know for me, being a wife, who works, does content, and has to clean and cook is overwhelming at times. If I personally don’t take some time out of the beginning of my week to plan out my days, then I feel like I am running all over the place with no agenda. It isn’t fun for me or my husband. Let’s be honest, we all do better and feel better when we are more organized! In this post, I am going to give you 5 ways to get more organized! I am also going to be featuring my new planner that I just actually bought from another CC Wife! 

  1. Make a Checklist! 

This is a big one! Writing a checklist helps keep me focused on the next task! I usually try to go in order on my checklist. One of the best feelings is checking a box. I always check a box when a task is completed! It helps me so much and gives me the next push to complete the next task! I always smile so big when I check off something like, “do the dishes.” I know it is completed and it just feels good to mark through it or check it off!

2. Be Consistent! 

Writing in your planner every day is a big one! While it may be hard, you have to be consistent. That is true for anything in life that you do! Another way to make it fun, is to get some really cute pens, stickers, and sticky notes! Make it fit YOU! 

3. Do the Big tasks first, then the smaller ones!

For me, getting the bigger tasks done first is a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders.  Doing the bigger tasks first helps motivate me to get the smaller ones done too! 

4. Choosing the Chores

While we can try to do our best, reality is…we are human and things can be overwhelming. Keeping a clean home is probably one of the top questions I see asked in the CCW community.  To keep a clean home, setting a small task like washing dishes or vacuuming can help keep a decent home, then add on one bigger chore to that. At the end of the week, you should have a clean home! If that does not work, you can also save the bigger chores for a certain day! While we are called to be good stewards of what we have been given, please remember nobody's perfect! The perfect homes you see online are not reality for most people! 

Download the Free Planner here. This is just a generic one I have used in the past from Canva!

5. Spending time with JESUS

This is a big one, and I saved the best for last! Starting your day with Jesus can be so beneficial. It helps get you in the right mindset for the day. If I don’t read my Bible in the morning, I feel so disorganized all throughout my day and it is difficult for me to focus on anything. It is now a part of my everyday routine. 

This is the planner I use! I love it and it is from the company Anastasia Co! She has so many beautiful journals, cards, wall art, planners, stickers, and so much more. I HIGHLY recommend purchasing from her as she is also a CC Wife! What I love about her items is they are Christian based, affordable, and I know I am supporting another brand and CC Wife with similar values as me! I adore my planner I bought from her! Here is a little video on how I use mine! 

The Planner I am currently using from Anastasia Co. Get yours today! She sells journals, hats, stickers, shirts, and so much more! Her products are CCW approved and I love her stuff so much! She is a fellow CC Wife and has worked hard to build this comapny! Go support her and use the coupon to get 10% off of your order!

If you use the code CCWIVES10 it will get you 10% off of anything you buy on her website! I highly recommend it!


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