
This is the CCW blog where we discuss things from politics to theology. Isabel is the writer of the CCW Blog and there is so much to get into! There is truly something for everyone!


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Politics ~ Lifestyle ~ Theology ~

What do we discuss on the blog?

We’re so glad you’re here! This space is dedicated to empowering women who embrace their Christian faith and conservative values. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, strength, or a community of like-minded women, you’ve found the right place. We’re committed to sharing content that uplifts, encourages, and equips women to live boldly and faithfully in today’s world. Join us as we explore faith, family, values, and the unique journey of being a Christian conservative woman. Married or single, there is something for everyone!

Seven Weeks Coffee is America’s Pro-Life Coffee Brand

Seven Weeks Coffee is a Pro-Life Coffee Brand that donates 10% of their sales to pregnancy centers across the country! Why are they called Seven Weeks Coffee? Because at 7 weeks the baby is the size of a coffee bean! They have raised over $800,000 for these centers and have saved thousands of lives. Click the button below to purchase and use code OFFICIALCCW to get 10% off of your order today!

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Abortion, the Leading Cause of Death in 2024:
Politics Young CC Wives . Politics Young CC Wives .

Abortion, the Leading Cause of Death in 2024:

I saw an article this year that said in 2024, abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide. My heart just broke. Why is this happening to these innocent babies? This news should be something that rocks us to the core, and we should absolutely be grieved by it. I am pro-life and I believe that all life has value. These babies did not ask for this and are depending on their mother for protection. It is truly a tragedy.

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I Voted Video
Politics Young CC Wives . Politics Young CC Wives .

I Voted Video

CC Wives got together and sent in their “I Voted” photos. We have added a call to prayer at the end as well. Please pray for our nation!

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Should Christians Vote Red?
Politics Young CC Wives . Politics Young CC Wives .

Should Christians Vote Red?

Should Christian's vote red? Why or why not? I have outlined some of Trump's policies and backed them with Scripture. I am also going to be sharing a PDF file of this as well! Click here to read and feel free to share!

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Reagan Movie Review
Controversial, Politics Young CC Wives . Controversial, Politics Young CC Wives .

Reagan Movie Review

Have you heard about the new Reagan movie just released? Probably not because the Media has censored it. Starring Dennis Quaid, this movie is a must see and will bring you to tears. History always repeats itself. Read this short movie review to see if you are interested in watching it!

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