Fruit of the Spirit Study
Emily Wall has meticulously crafted these wonderful and engaging studies specifically for individuals who are looking for a meaningful Bible Study experience! These thoughtfully designed studies are carefully tailored to accommodate the needs of those who are busy with their daily lives, ensuring that you can grow in your faith even amidst a hectic schedule!
A Message from Emily:
Daily Reading and Questions:
Fruit of the Spirit Bible Study
Day 1: Galatians 5:22-23
What does “fruit of the spirit” mean?
Which of these characteristics are you best at?
Which could you improve on?
Day 2: 1 Corinthians 13
What is the definition of LOVE?
Why is love so important to Christians?
What is the most impactful part of this chapter?
Day 3: 1 John 4:18-21 & Deuteronomy 6:5-7
How has God shown His love to you?
In what ways can you grow to love God more?
How can you share the love of God with those around you?
Day 4: John 13:34-35 & Leviticus 19:18
How can you outwardly show that you are a disciple of Jesus?
How can you make sure that you love others more than yourself?
Do you hold grudges? If so, how can you work towards forgiveness?
Day 5: Galatians 5:13-14 & Ephesians 4:15
How can you serve others in your current stage of life?
What does freedom in Christ look like?
What does it look like to speak the truth in love?
Day 6: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 & Philippians 4:4-5
What is the definition of JOY?
Do you rejoice, pray & give thanks regularly?
What's something you are currently thankful for?
Day 7: Psalm 118:24 & Habakkuk 3:17-18
What is bringing you joy today?
What makes God praiseworthy, even through hardships?
How has God helped you through a hard time?
Day 8: Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 & Proverbs 17:22
What do you enjoy about your life?
How is joy different from happiness?
Do you live life with a joyful heart, or is that something you could work on?
Day 9: Romans 5:2-4 & 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
How do challenges turn into hope?
Are you currently facing a struggle that you could turn into joy?
How does God help you when you feel weak?
Day 10: John 16:33 & Philippians 4:6-7
What is the definition of PEACE?
What should you do when you feel worried about something?
How have you experienced the power of prayer?
Day 11: John 14:27 & Colossians 3:15
What does peace from Christ look like?
Is there anything in your life preventing you from feeling peace?
How can you let the peace of Christ be present in your life?
Day 12: 1 Peter 3:10-12 & James 3:17-18
Is there evil in your life that you need to turn from?
How can you become righteous?
How do you get wisdom from above?
Day 13: Galatians 6:9-10 & Psalm 103:8
What is the definition of PATIENCE?
Is there someone in your life that you need to be more patient with?
How are love and patience related to each other?
Day 14: 1 Timothy 1:15-16
In what ways is it most difficult for you to be patient?
How does being patient demonstrate your faith in God?
Is there a time that Jesus has been incredibly patient with you?
Day 15: Luke 10:29-37
What is the definition of KINDNESS?
Who are your neighbors?
How can you show kindness to others in your life?
Day 16: Galatians 6:10 & Ephesians 4:29
What is the definition of GOODNESS?
What work do you do for the good of others?
Do your words give grace to all those who hear, both in person & online?
Day 17: Matthew 5:15-16
How do you let your light shine to others?
Is there anything in your life that blocks your luminance?
Who in your life is also a shining light to you?
Day 18: Hebrews 11:6 & Matthew 17:20
What is the definition of FAITHFULNESS?
How do you act in a way that shows your faith in God?
How are you inspired by the mustard seed?
Day 19: Daniel 3
What happened to the 3 men in this story?
How did their faith cause others to have respect for God?
Do you think you have a faith as big as them?
Day 20: Daniel 6
Have you ever been disliked because of your faith?
Does the story of Daniel help you see the power of God?
How can your faith give faith to other's as well?
Day 21: Matthew 14:22-33
Have you ever doubted your faith before?
What helps your faith grow when you are feeling doubt?
Has Jesus ever reached out and saved you?
Day 22: 1 Samuel 17
What was the most noteworthy part of David's story?
How has your past prepared you for your present battles?
Has your faith ever set a good example for others?
Day 23: Colossians 3:12-13 & 1 Peter 3:3-4
What is the definition of GENTLENESS?
What does gentleness have to do with forgiveness?
Why do you believe you are one of God's chosen ones?
Day 24: Psalm 23
What stands out most to you about this psalm?
What is the significance of Jesus being our shepherd & us being His sheep?
In what ways does Jesus guide you?
Day 25: Luke 4:1-13
What is the definition of SELF CONTROL?
Why is it important to know the truth of God's Word?
What is the most noteworthy thing about verse 13?
Day 26: Galatians 5:19-21
Are you ever guilty of any of these things?
How can you change to become more like Christ?
What are the requirements for inheriting the kingdom of God?
Day 27: 2 Timothy 1:7 & 1 Peter 4:7-8
How can you use these verses to discern what is God sent, versus from the enemy?
What does it mean to be spiritually alert?
Look up some other Bible translations of 2 Timothy 1:7. Note the differences!
For the Visual Learners: