Taylor’s Story:

At CCW, we have met so many wonderful ladies who truly love the Lord and have been a blessing to other young women. Taylor is one of them. I am going to share her story in her own words in this post.

This CC Wife has been apart of it all from the very beginning. She has been there to upfilt women and has helped so many women in the CCW community. The CCW Team wanted to help give back any way we could. We typically do not allow self promotion or links to be shared, but we felt called to help Taylor share her story. We wanted her to experience the same love and kindess she has also shown to ladies in CCW. She is adopting a baby, and will need so much. Adoption is not cheap, and Taylor will need to purchase baby items on top of all of this. I encouraged her to put together a baby registry so we could help her get some of the things she needs for her future baby. Taylor wrote her story out for us, and I just had to share. It almost brought me to tears reading it.

I pray that if you cannot help her financially, please keep her and her husband in your prayers. Pray they will be picked to get a baby very soon. The baby will be loved beyond measure, and we are so excited for them as they answer God’s call.


Taylor’s Story

Hi fellow CC Wives

Shortly after our adoption announcement on here, the admins shared with us that we’d been chosen as the family to receive a special opportunity they’d been planning for this season: to have our adoption fund and registry shared here for those that are able to help us and our baby. In truth, we were equally honored, humbled, and in our humanness, uncomfortable. After prayer and counsel, I was reminded of a truth about children that my husband and I know all too well, as some of you do too: that children are not something we possess, but rather a temporary gift from God to steward and care for. I cannot be prideful about where this baby’s material blessings come from. I have not earned this opportunity, our baby is no more deserving than anyone else’s, but I humbly accept that I cannot do motherhood on my own, nor has God asked me to. So, whether you're able to support this precious baby with something from this registry or not, please know we are already eternally grateful for your love and prayers.

I’m reminded of a story my elementary school told every year when we raised funds to build a house for a family in need. It was called Project Starfish. The story goes: a man was walking along a beach after a storm, with thousands of starfish washed up on the sand. One by one, he was picking a starfish up and tossing it back into the ocean. Another man came by and said, “What are you doing?! Surely you know that you cannot help them all!” The man reached down and picked up another starfish, and holding it in his hand, he said, “No, but I can help this one,” as he tossed it back into the ocean.

I always loved that story, but in my own ignorance, I thought I’d always continue to be the man throwing the starfish. You all have humbled me with your generosity of prayer and encouragement. Thanks to you all, I have already become the starfish. If you’re able to help bless our sweet, loved baby with prayer or by our baby’s registry, I can only offer back my gratitude to you and further praise to our Father for his continued creativity in bringing about surprising blessings.

Our adoption story:

Prior to even my birth, I was given to a mother who couldn’t care for me, and to a father that didn’t want me. My father told my mother to abort me, but in God’s goodness, and her courage, she chose to give me the precious gift of life. Every moment I’ve drawn breath, I owe not only to God, but to her as well. Her love for me didn’t stop there, she meticulously went through every single waiting, hopeful adoptive family in the area, looking to choose just the right parents for me, but she came up empty handed. Dozens, even hundreds of qualified, stable parents, but they weren’t my parents. She handed the last book back into the adoption agency, scared and confused, but confident of what she knew. Just then, God placed before her eyes: a photo of my parents. They weren’t home study approved, they weren’t even sure if they were going to adopt. They didn’t have a profile or a “Dear Birthmother” letter. They’d just stopped by after work one day, curious what adoption was all about. Against her training, and even against the law, the adoption counselor reluctantly agreed to call my parents. Against their sudden confusion and fear, they agreed to meet. My mom describes waiting in the agency, then seeing my birthmother stride in, glowing and beautiful, with an eccentric hat and a scarf billowing behind her. They talked so long, the adoption agency had to close and kick them out, so they moved over to the restaurant next door and talked until the restaurant closed too. This was the first time I met my parents, while I was still inside my birthmother’s womb.

I was so blessed to not only be given life when most others would not have been, but to be given more love than a child could even know what to do with. Nothing could shake my sense of knowing I was with the parents God meant for me to be with. Neither elementary school bullies trying to tell me my parents loved me less, nor even my own exceptionally powerful teenage angst could ever shake that my parents were my parents, as God intended.

As the years went on, I would see my birthmother for playdates with my half-sisters, or birthday parties, or day trips to the coast. She would always tell me of how God spoke to her through her pregnancy, guiding her to my parents. How giving me to them was still her pride and joy. Then, on my 18th birthday, she gave me a poem she wrote for me when I was born. While I will keep that poem private, it beautifully depicted the triad of love possible in a good adoption such as my own. It follows two women, one who gave a child love through the gift of life, the other who gave that child love throughout their gift of life. It ends with a child asking if she is the result of her heredity or of her environment, and the birthmother answers, “neither, my darling, neither, just two different kinds of love.”

After losing more than 5 precious babies in my womb, God opened up the path of adoption for us. After years of shadowy grief, we have hope and light again. We are so overjoyed to be able to love and support a precious birthmother that chose life for her child, and to be able to give a sweet baby a loving home as a result.

Once our homestudy is approved, we could get a call any day that we are parents. So we are required to prepare our home as if I was in my own last month of pregnancy, a stage I never actually reached. With the cost of the adoption itself, it’s true our baby would have precious little for a while. While we know babies don’t need much outside of love, security, and connection, we do wish to give our baby basics to keep them as comfortable as possible. If you’re able to help out, there are plenty of items under $5, and most are under $20. If you are able to help in prayer, we are just as grateful, as prayer and hope have made all the difference in our journey thus far. Thank you again, lovely sisters in Christ, we are forever blessed by your friendship and generosity.


This is truly something we felt the Lord calling us to share. Feel free to share this with others.

If you’d like to give towards their adoption, there is a spot for that on the registry link. Taylor even has a place for donations towards second hand items as well.

Please pray for a smooth homestudy and for them to be chosen quickly. Pray for the Lord to continue to provide for them and all the things she will need for this sweet baby.


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